All posts in "Headline" Section

* Shannon Estuary Tope….

All the way back to 2007 for this one…. A run to the Shannon Estuary for tope! Skua is on tow to the vast expanse of the Shannon Estuary. The quarry? Tope no less. Sure you’d have to. -

* Losing The Plot!

The electronics market has seen an explosion of affordable technology – Is it all foam and no beer? Jim Clohessy talks electronics...

* Join the Club!

Some anglers avoid clubs. Stan Ryan reckons that joining a club has many benefits...

* Blue Shark Success

Blue Shark fishing is a feature of Irish fishing. It is easily accomplished from a small boat..... with a bit of attention to detail and safety!

* The Blue Bible #1

Of course you can fish for shark from your small boat! Doing right by angler and fish means preparation and planning. Jim Clohessy does the blues.... Part 1

* The Blue Bible #2

Of course you can fish for shark from your small boat! Doing right by angler and fish means preparation and planning. Jim Clohessy does the blues.... Part 2 deals with the actual fishing.

* The Blue Bible #3

Of course you can fish for shark from your small boat! Doing right by angler and fish means preparation and planning. Jim Clohessy does the blues.... #3 deals with some video clips of shark fishing.

* Keep It Safe

Safety never gets old. Back in 2008 we took a trip to the Coast Guard station at Waterford to see the operation and just how things work if you are in trouble on the water....