* Long Term Test – Climb8 Waders & Clothing

Long Term Reviews
TopFisher takes a look at some of the gear that have been in use for more than a season and we give a verdict whether it is worth the money and worth a place in our tackle box!
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Climb 8 Clothing
It seems a while back now but in 2009 I decided to try out a pair of breathable waders for boat fishing. Now I wear breathables on all but the coldest of days or if I am taking a boat from a pontoon rather than launching and retrieving.
When you are launching and retrieving your boat a set of breathables gives you confidence to handle and manoeuvre your boat towards a trailer without worrying about getting wet . Rather than risking a dinged prop it is great to be able to jump from the boat in deeper water than wellingtons will allow.
I hear shore anglers complaining that there are no breathable waders that will stand the pace for shore angling. Fellows will get a season or two at most from their choice of gear. I know many are rubber waders but it is important to note that these are not breathable and can be sweaty in warm weather. They are tough waders in the main though.
I must say that I have given my Climb 8’s a right battering over the years. Last year I did get a tiny leak in the area of the belt holder stitching. I stuck my head into the waders and marked any areas where there was light. There was only one. I applied a generous amount of Stormsure glue and left it to cure. So far the waders are back in action and working well. Now I’m sure that some shore anglers may be a bit harder on gear but I must say I am delighted with the service. Considering that these are priced €135.00 (£105 approx) with free delivery they are a quality product at superb prices.
That time I got my waders I also got a wading jacket. This short jacket is very comfortable. As it is a wading jacket it doesn’t have handwarmer pockets, there are two zip pockets high up. This can be a strange feeling. Standing on deck I can be “searching for a pocket”. Maybe I should have opted for the longer rain-jacket as being more suitable for the boat or beach angler. As many are now wading along surf beaches chucking lures the wading jacket the right choice.
When the time comes that my waders will give up the ghost (They have a bit to go yet) would I get another pair? Without a doubt I would. Irish design for Irish conditions. Perfection!
Check out www.Climb8.ie